Death by Numbers
In 2012 a group of young people and media artists from Black Hole Theatre gathered at La Trobe University to make a horror film… The participants wrote, performed, shot and edited the entire 6 minute film over the space of 5 days… 6 bodies on the floor of a gallery… One after another they wake, only to find themselves drawn into terrible fates. One survives… Find out who and why in 6 blood-curdling minutes.
Produced by LUMA (La Trobe University Museum of Art) in partnerships with Darebin Youth Services and Banyule Community Health. It was shot on location against the artworks of La Trobe University. Death by Numbers was written, shot, performed and edited by a group of adolescents from Banyule Community Health and Darebin Youth Services. Their work was facilitated by 3 artists from Black Hole Theatre.
BLACK HOLE ARTISTS: Nancy Black, Benjamin Ducroz, Zoe Scoglio, Mark Battistella.
Special thanks to Anita La Pietra and Vincent Alessi from La Trobe Musum of Art, Jacqui Faliszewski from Darebin Youth Services, Jane Casey from Banyule Community Health, Nikki Bushby, and the La Trobe Media Department. DVD design by Nicole Dominic.